September 20, 2024

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5 Exciting Ways To Use LED Grow Lights

Whether this is your first time ever growing indoors or you are looking to switch from your current HID lights, keep reading to make an informed decision. After testing dozens of brands over the years, we learned what worked and what didn’t. Then we coupled our research with information from plant scientists to develop our own ...

Whether this is your first time ever growing indoors or you are looking to switch from your current HID lights, keep reading to make an informed decision.

After testing dozens of brands over the years, we learned what worked and what didn’t. Then we coupled our research with information from plant scientists to develop our own line of lights that can be found here.

Who Should Use LED Grow Lights?

While the reasons to use LED Grow Lights are numerous, the applications in which they really shine are even more so. Users of LED Grow Lights experience great results both in hobby gardens as well as in commercial settings.

Medical Cannabis Growers

Growers of medicinal marijuana on both an individual and commercial level have much to gain from using LED Grow Lights in their gardens. From an economic standpoint, using LEDs will save the grower up to 40{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} in electricity costs which can translate into massive increases in profit for commercial facilities. For individuals, growing with LED is more economical and discreet; no more drawing the attention of neighbors with noisy exhaust fans or raising alarms with the electricity company with spikes in energy consumption. Whether you start from cannabis seeds or from clones, growers can still experience the big yields they are used to getting with HPS lights while enjoying lower costs and more potent product. Large operations can take advantage of the savings by reducing costs to their customers to increase market share or by increasing profits – all while providing an outstanding final product. Let’s not forget that the quality of LED grown cannabis can be higher than that grow under HPS. We know that heat degrades THC – degradation is common under HPS. With none of the heat of HPS, cannabis grown under LED Grow Lights can offer higher THC levels with the same strain.

Sustainable Urban Farming & Greenhouses

Sustainable Farming While rooftop gardening and urban farming plots have been around for years, there is a distinct new trend in food production – sustainable urban farming indoors. It can be as simple as setting up a small plot in your basement to large operations buying up warehouse space on the order of 100,000 or more square feet. The combination of hydroponics and LED Grow Lights greatly reduce the carbon foot print of such gardens while providing healthy, sustainable food year round to the local population. LED Grow Lights can be used as the primary source of lighting in basement & urban warehouse conditions as well as supplemental lighting for greenhouses to extend the growing season. This technology works on everything – from greens to flowering fruits and vegetables. Read More . . .

Algae Production For Biofuel, Food, & Pharmaceuticals

Algae For Biofuel The battle for a renewable and sustainable energy source has been raging for decades with little progress, until now. Research has shown that algae is capable of producing 10 to 20 times more gallons of biodiesel per acre than any other known source. In addition to supplying fuel on a large scale, algae can be cultivated by small-scale farmers to off-set increasing fuel costs on family farms. As another benefit, the byproduct of rendering oil from algae is a high protein and carbohydrate solid that can be used as animal feed and pharmaceutical supplements or further processed into ethanol.

Crisis Gardening & Off Grid Applications

Indoor Crisis Gardening With each era that passes there groups of people who are determined to not only survive but thrive in the perilous times in which we live. Having a crisis garden is one easy way to ensure you and your family have enough food to weather tough times. Lets face it, crisis gardens are quickly becoming the Victory Garden of our generation. However, depending on your geography, you may not have the luxury of a long growing season or you may wish to keep your crisis garden more private. With LED Grow Lights, it is now possible to extend your growing season or grow completely indoors if desired.

General Hobby Gardening

Gardening enthusiasts have something to be excited about because LED Grow Lights enable you to enjoy your hobby year round regardless of weather. From growing fresh herbs and produce for cooking, starting plant seedlings in the spring for transplant, to more exotic pursuits such as growing bulbs, bromeliads, tropical plants, and even orchids, LED Grow Lights are up to the task. The intensity and coverage area of the best LED Grow Lights on the market makes it possible to grow any plant from basic lettuce to light-intensive plants such as watermelons, carnivorous plants, and cactus.

LED Grow Lights – The New Standard

After several years of research and releasing new, improved models, LED Grow Lights have established a firm foot hold in the grow light market, proving themselves as much more than a fad gadget. Current iterations of LED Grow Lights can go head-to-head against their HID counterparts, matching and exceeding the yields and grow quality.

Choosing The Best LED Grow Lights

When deciding on the right LED Grow Lights for you, please take some time to look at as much information as you can. What I have found is that those that are most vocal in their grow light’s abilities are the ones to stay away from. When you find a company that lets its product stand on its merits and abilities instead of hype about uber-penetration and 400{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} yield increase, that is the company to go with.

Reasons To Use LED Grow Lights

By the time you have made it to this site, you have probably heard a wide range of reasons to pick LED Grow Lights over HID grow lights – some of it is true, some of it is hype, I am sure. The best thing to do is take both sides of the argument and split the difference. Take some time to research the results from independent testing (especially when comparing the offerings of different LED Grow Light manufacturers).
If you choose from among the best LED Grow Lights on the market, you can look forward to the following benefits:

    • Energy Savings – The first thing that you see when looking at LED grow lights is claims of efficiency. While some claims are overstated, you can expect to see a 40{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} to 75{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} decrease in electricity costs when you switch from HPS or MH grow lights
    • Near Zero Heat Signature – There are entire websites dealing with how to mitigate the overwhelming heat generated by HID grow lights. Because of their advanced architecture, LED Grow Lights emit very little heat and most come with modest built-in fans to keep the chips cool. No more burned leaves, no more excessive dehydration, and . . .
    • No Expensive Accessories – Ballasts, reflectors, heat removal systems, fans . . . they all cost money and add up very quickly. On top of that, these items do break down over time and replacement costs cut into your potential profit. LED Grow Lights eliminate the need for these things.

LED Spectrum

  • Exceptional Life-Span – With an average lifespan of 50,000 to 100,000 hours, LED Grow Lights continue to pay for themselves over time. Compare this to HPS grow lights that need to be replaced as much as 4x per year and the choice is obvious.
  • Near 100{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} Efficiency – At best, an HID light is only 35{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} efficient which means nearly 2/3 of the light produced is totally wasted as heat or as light that is not efficient at driving photosynthesis. With well-researched LED Grow Lights, you can achieve 90{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} or better efficiency because the light produced falls within the spectra of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR). This just means plants can use the light created by LED Grow Lights directly for photosynthesis.

Need More Information On LED Grow Lights?

I strive to provide thorough and accurate information at all times. If you have any question about the information on this site or wish to have a topic covered in a future post, just hit the Contact Us button and let me know what you need. Enjoy your LED grow lights!

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The post 5 Exciting Ways To Use LED Grow Lights appeared first on TruLite LED Grow Lights.

(c) TruLite LED Grow Lights – Read entire story here.