September 20, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

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Medical Marijuana Legislation For Patient Treatment Supported by Illinois Doctors

Medical Marijuana Legislation making its way through several states. These states are becoming more lenient in allowing seriously ill patients to obtain medical marijuana.  One example of a state in the process of making a legal decision to allow medical marijuana for patients with illnesses is Illinois. WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reported that Illinois “physicians have signed on as members of the “Marijuana Policy Project.”” Further, CBS noted:  “Dr. Burak Emin Gezen, of Chicago, was among the doctors ...

Illinois medical marijuana legislationMedical Marijuana Legislation making its way through several states. These states are becoming more lenient in allowing seriously ill patients to obtain medical marijuana.  One example of a state in the process of making a legal decision to allow medical marijuana for patients with illnesses is Illinois.

WBBM Newsradio Political Editor Craig Dellimore reported that Illinois “physicians have signed on as members of the “Marijuana Policy Project.””

Further, CBS noted:  “Dr. Burak Emin Gezen, of Chicago, was among the doctors who have signed on to support medical marijuana legislation that would establish a pilot program to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes by patients with serious illnesses.”

Medical Marijuana Legislation For Ill Patients

Advocates for the use of medical marijuana for ill patients claim that medical marijuana can be very effective in relieving pain and nausea for patients during chemotherapy, as traditional opiates often times do not work. Further they believe there is no reason to prevent patients from the use of an alternative that often times suppresses nausea and pain, and can be beneficial to those who suffer.

The Illinois doctors in support of the measure believe that medical marijuana should be a choice provided by doctors and that patients and growers should not be prosecuted.  They believe that the patient and medical provider have enough education and experience to realize if the option of medical marijuana will work or not.

The physicians who have signed on to support the use of medical marijuana for ill patients said, according to CBS, that “those who benefit from medical marijuana should be able to obtain it safely and legally. They also said the laws should promote the doctor-patient relationship, not the dealer-patient relationship.”

The legislation would make Illinois the 19th state to allow patients with certain conditions to use medical marijuana.

Further, according to CBS, “anyone who obtained a medical marijuana ID card would be limited to 2.5 ounces of marijuana every two weeks. Conditions that would qualify a person to get medical marijuana would include cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease (Crohn’s disease medical marijuana study), muscular dystrophy, severe fibromyalgia, spinal cord disease, and more.”

The legislation would also establish and control a network of cultivation centers and dispensaries.

The measure was approved by the House Human Services Committee on an 11-4 vote last month and TODAY was approved by the Illinois State Senate and sent on to Governor Pat Quin for his signature.While Illinois is a long way away from Northern California, the medical marijuana attorneys at Beck Law P.C. remain informed on the state of medical marijuana legislation in the country and in particular the status of medical marijuana legislation in the California counties of Lake County, Mendocino County and Sonoma County. For more information on medical marijuana and issues that may affect those desiring to start non-profits, collectives and such please contact Beck Law P.C. to schedule a one hour appointment. There will be a $400 fee for the appointment and those concerned must posses a current California Medical Marijuana Identification Card.

(c) Medical Marijuana Attorney Blog – Read entire story here.