September 20, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

Coverage of medical marijuana and cannabis news, insights, lifestyle, laws, growing guides and more!

Legalizing Marijuana In Texas Has Widespread Support

They say everything is big in Texas and that includes support for legalizing marijuana. A recent poll showed that 58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of Texans favor legalizing marijuana and regulating it just like alcohol.You can see the Public Policy Polling reults here. 58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of those polled favored legalizing medical marijuana with only 31{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} opposed and 11{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} undecided. This shows overwhelming support for medical marijuana in Texas. 61{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of those polled favor marijuana decriminalization with 30{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} opposed and 9{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} unsure. Again a vast majority of Texans favor making marijuana possession a civil offense ...

Legalizing Marijuana In Texas Has Widespread  SupportThey say everything is big in Texas and that includes support for legalizing marijuana. A recent poll showed that 58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of Texans favor legalizing marijuana and regulating it just like alcohol.You can see the Public Policy Polling reults here.

58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of those polled favored legalizing medical marijuana with only 31{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} opposed and 11{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} undecided. This shows overwhelming support for medical marijuana in Texas.

61{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of those polled favor marijuana decriminalization with 30{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} opposed and 9{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} unsure. Again a vast majority of Texans favor making marijuana possession a civil offense rather than a criminal one.

When it comes to legalizing recreational marijuana in a manner similar to Colorado and Washington the numbers are a bit less clear. With 41{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} strongly supporting the idea and  17{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} somewhat supporting there’s about 58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} who might vote for this option. There are 24{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} strongly opposed to recreational marijuana and 14{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} are somewhat opposed with 3{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of voters not sure.In the end it would come down to what the “somewhats” finally decided.

Texas is the 2nd most populated state and it appears to clearly favor medical marijuana and marijuana decriminalization while recreational marijuana remains a possibility.

Texas is a diverse state and change may come slowly. One has to remember that Texas still has dry counties, a remnant from alcohol prohibition. Texas also does not have voter initiatives so any change in marijuana’s status will have to come from its politicians.

Big Support for Marijuana Legalization in Texas | NORML Blog › NORML BlogSOCIETY

4 days ago – 58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of Texans want marijuana taxed and regulated like alcohol. With a high profile governor’s race shaping up between Senator Wendy Davis, the only declared Democrat, and a Republican challenger (Attorney General Abbot seems to be leading in current polls) the time is ripe to make marijuana law reform a major issue in America’s second most populated state. – See more at:

More Coverage Of Texas Marijuana Poll

With a high profile governor’s race shaping up between Senator Wendy Davis, the only declared
Democrat, and a Republican challenger (Attorney General Abbot seems to be leading in current polls) the time is ripe to make marijuana law reform a major issue in America’s second most populated state. – See more at:
With a high profile governor’s race shaping up between Senator Wendy Davis, the only declared
Democrat, and a Republican challenger (Attorney General Abbot seems to be leading in current polls) the time is ripe to make marijuana law reform a major issue in America’s second most populated state. – See more at:

Majority Of Texas Voters Want To Legalize Marijuana Huffington Post

A majority of Texas voters support marijuana legalization, according to a recent survey. Public Policy Polling found that 58 percent of Texans “support making 
Texas Residents Want Legal Marijuana Opposing Views

The latest research from Public Policy Polling shows that a significant majority of Texans would support ending the prohibition on marijuana for both medicinal 
58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of Texas Voters Support Making Marijuana Legal for Adults and NDG Staff

AUSTIN — A strong majority of Texas voters (58{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033}) support making marijuana legal for adults and regulating it like alcohol, according to a Public Policy Polling 

North Dallas Gazette

Poll: Most Texans think marijuana should be legal Sarah Grady

Most Texans support legalizing marijuana for adults, according to a Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday. The poll shows 58 percent of registered 

Capital Tonight – Texas


(c) Medical Cannabis News – Read entire story here.