September 20, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

Coverage of medical marijuana and cannabis news, insights, lifestyle, laws, growing guides and more!

Law Makers milking the Marijuana Cow

By clear definition Marijuana should no longer be listed as a Schedule I substance due to extensive medical research and countless patient testimonials received by those with medical marijuana cards. The empirical evidence in favor of marijuana legalization leaves us only with one question; Why hasn’t it been legalized yet? To answer this question we must look at those who ...

By clear definition Marijuana should no longer be listed as a Schedule I substance due to extensive medical research and countless patient testimonials received by those with medical marijuana cards. The empirical evidence in favor of marijuana legalization leaves us only with one question; Why hasn’t it been legalized yet?

To answer this question we must look at those who benefit from the current state of marijuana prohibition. There are several industries that stand to lose billions if not more if cannabis is once more legalized and fully implemented within the constructs of society whether for recreational, industrial or medical applications.

The Big Corps

Firstly we have the known culprits such as Big Tobacco, Big Booze and Big Pharma. These industries would suffer a direct effect if cannabis is legalized in terms of negative profits. More people will begin to switch to the superior crops the moment it’s legalized although a large demographic of people would not be interested either. Most likely however, is the people currently dependent on these three big industries are the ones most likely to make a switch as well. People who have been abstinent of the currently legal drugs; alcohol and tobacco, would most probably continue to “not consume drugs”. Thus the only people who are truly effected by legalization in this instance is Big Tobacco, Big Pharma and of course Big Booze.

The Unsung Culprits

There are also a few other groups of people who benefit from cannabis prohibition namely the timber industry, oil companies, banks and of course criminal organizations. Not only can Hemp satisfy the energy needs of America, it can also cut back on our need for timber and eventually replace the need all together. They claim that roughly 6{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of US landmass is required to grow enough hemp to be completely free from foreign oil. Banks are also affected since they are the ones that launder the illegal money and make it “legitimate”. For the past 10 years HSBC have been laundering money for the big crime orgs.  Finally, criminal organizations depend on prohibition to keep prices high and to not have to participate with society in terms of taxes, benefits and so forth.

Law Works for Law Makers

While the law is supposed to protect the average citizen from well other citizens the current drug laws only protect law makers’ wallets. Every year billions of dollars are poured into this black hole known as the drug war, new prisons are constructed and millions are arrested on drug charges. Other crimes, real crimes, take second place when it comes to convictions since Drug convictions require less investigation and serve harsher sentences in most states.

Rehabilitation centers make money from prohibition since a lot of people are sentenced to mandatory treatment for things such as marijuana. Politicians gets funding from the Big Corps to legislate “tough on drugs” policies to maintain the entire ship afloat.

The sheer amount of people currently benefitting from cannabis prohibition is quite shocking. However these people still remain a miniscule minority in America and the people stuck with the bill is the average citizen. Not only are your friends and family members persecuted by unjust drug laws, they are the cattle in the equation. Without the consumer there is no drug prohibition and thus in essence it isn’t “drugs that are illegal” but rather the people consuming these drugs.

The reason? Some people make money off it…so tough luck?

Science and Reason dictates we should legalize all drugs, not just marijuana. A crime should only be considered a crime if there is a victim involved; drug consumption, production and distribution do not meet this criteria.

(c) 420Petition Blog – Read entire story here.