September 20, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

Coverage of medical marijuana and cannabis news, insights, lifestyle, laws, growing guides and more!

Why Growing Marijuana Should be a Fundamental Human Right

By now we all know that cannabis has curative properties and if this isn’t reason enough to allow each and every human being to grow their own cannabis then there is something extremely wrong with the current state of affairs. Nature should never be against the law. When a specific plant has the ability to cure even 1 disease, that plant...

By now we all know that cannabis has curative properties and if this isn’t reason enough to allow each and every human being to grow their own cannabis then there is something extremely wrong with the current state of affairs.

Nature should never be against the law. When a specific plant has the ability to cure even 1 disease, that plant should be automatically permitted to be grown by anyone. If a plant produces food, medicine or resources then we should be able to grow it. If a plant has near mystical properties and will allow you to open perceptive doors into your own mind, then it should be studied and people should be allowed to grow it.

Cannabis does more than just get you high, it can cure cancer, treat MS and Autism, help with Neuropathy and much much more. You can use it for resources and fuel, you can have a healthier alternative to alcohol and tobacco and you can use it as a necessary dietary supplement.

The current state of Marijuana Prohibition has created enormous profits for criminal cartels worldwide who are using this money to purchase guns, bribe officials and essentially create a state of chaos. This was not a side-effect of marijuana but rather the side-effect of prohibition.

By allowing people to grow you undermine illegal operations making it a “useless” crop to peddle. This would effectively sap out about 30{2b4a1a3f3bbc9c5a43771f34362679a3afcf9df24c0d9f4fe2fa80a69d802033} of their annual profits which could be round the $90 Billion marker and even more. Some people estimate up to $300 Billion dollars can be taken away from illegal drug trades if cannabis was legalized and if people were to grow their own.

Cannabis is just a plant, it’s not the devil incarnate, it helps people and should be a fundamental human right. If you are sick and cannabis can heal you then you should not be hassled by anyone to be able to grow your own cannabis. In fact, if more people would just eat the raw leafs people would be healthier and more productive.

You should have the fundamental right of choice to back you up and whoever tells you that you can’t do that should be tried for treason against humanity.

Growing is a right that you and I should have…without consequences and without interference.

(c) 420Petition Blog – Read entire story here.