September 21, 2024

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Top 10 Best Cannabis Companion Plants

Are there pests present in your garden and slowly destroying your cannabis plants? Surely this can be experienced given that cannabis plants emit an odor that attracts pests and other crawlies feasting your garden. There is an amazing solution to this problem, and that is to provide the garden with cannabis companion plants.

These types of plants are organic protection of cannabis from getting infested by pests and diseases. It can help by attracting insects with predatory capacity and clear up any dangerous elements in the garden. By placing cannabis companion plants in between your cannabis can assist in the prevention of mold and fungus development.

Indeed, these plants are favorable to have. In this article, we will understand more about cannabis companion plants and discuss the most ideal types of companion plants to select from. Check them out below.

Functions of Cannabis Companion Plants

The cannabis companion plants will serve as a great repellant against pests and insects that can help the cannabis garden provide additional defense from getting destroyed completely. There are also some types of cannabis companion plants that help in improving the quality of the soil. With this, the output of your crops is increased considerably while ensuring that the roots of the plants get enough drainage.

Moreover, the odor usually emitted by the cannabis plants can be regulated by cannabis companion plants with a great smell. These smells will assist in concealing the pungent odor and keep your plants away from the undesirable attention of the public.

Best 10 Cannabis Companion Plants


We all know how beautiful Sunflower plants are, but it is also great cannabis companion plants as they provide the plants’ protection from harsh wind, conceals the garden, and attracts desirable insects that can help the cannabis plants from getting healthy. Being naturally attractive, the sunflower is great at taking away the attention of people from the cannabis plants and conceals them.

These cannabis companion plants can also help deter away slugs, aphids, snails and other crawlies to get infested the whole crops. It likewise provides beneficial soil quality that improves the capacity of roots to drain. Ideally, you can plant sunflowers around the garden, within the edges of the perimeter of the crop and 60 centimeters distance from each other. Favorably, it will undergo the flowering stage after 60 to 95 days vegetative stage. 


Naturally, the cannabis companion plants Lavender has a great smell and can help in converting the odor emits by the cannabis plants. Although the smell of lavender may seem to be an attractive scent to humans, fleas, mice, ticks, and moths are disgusted by it thus repelling them from infesting the garden. Lastly, it attracts pollinators to the plants.


Cannabis companion plants, Marigold is a pretty decent plant that helps in repelling unwanted insects within your garden. These include moths and whiteflies. They can even disguise your plants from getting the center of attention, by using its beautiful and attractive appearance.

Even aphids can lurk to the Marigold plants instead of on your cannabis plants and focus more on their energy towards it. These cannabis companion plants can produce an organic insecticide that penetrates the soil and help in repelling the insects. You may cultivate them approximately around the month of February until April, in between the cannabis plants.


When you plant Dill, one of the cannabis companion plants in your garden, it will help managing insects and repel them. They work in this field decently and can repel caterpillars, spiders, and wasps. Indeed, they are great guards for your cannabis garden. Also, instead of getting your cannabis plants the attention of the butterflies, they will eat the dills instead due to its tasty flavor.

You can plant these companion plants around March to July. You may cultivate them next to the cannabis plants, or interplant them in between. It is essential to note that the Dills require a warm environment while maintaining enough moist on the soil.


Another great cannabis companion plants, Alfalfa helps in improving the soil content with enough nitrogen and assist in the drainage quality of the soil as well. Even growers have shown that they are not even required to water the plants regularly when there are Alfalfa in the area.

Moreover, some bugs called Lygus can devastatingly deliver doom in your cannabis garden and when there are Alfalfa in your area, it acts as a defense against these bugs. In terms of yield, these cannabis companion plants are perfectly designed to gather nitrogen from the atmosphere and help the cannabis plants thrive greatly. You can grow these plants around April until July and thrives anywhere adequately.


The Peppermint is one of the common cannabis companion plants that possess natural mint with powerful menthol composition that acts as an amazing repellant against cockroaches, flies, aphids, ants, and mice it can similarly captivate butterflies and other types of pollinators to lurk in your plants. 

The only downside of these plants is it is a natural invasive plant and can take over your growing area. To prevent this from occurring, you should conventionally cut it and observe it from time to time. Also, you can separate them by cultivating them in pots to prevents them from spreading.


The prince of plants, Basil are other cannabis companion plants wherein play a great role in the cannabis garden. The basil possessed a sweet aroma that helps in repelling insects like snails, pests, slugs, and other types of unwanted visitors. It also assists in attracting pollinators that help in the cannabis’ biodiversity. 

Above all, it can surprisingly help in improving the tastes and aroma of cannabis plants. It can be cultivated alongside the cannabis and dwells generously around the month of February to June.


Popularly known as dizzy corn, the name Coriander has been one of the best cannabis companion plants so far. Generally recognized as an aphrodisiac due to its natural narcotic impacts. With this smell, it can keep the mites, aphids, and beetles from lurking in your cannabis garden and destroy the crops.

Moreover, it similarly protects from marauders, flies, and wasps. To cultivate them, you can use large containers made from fabric and interplant them with cannabis plants. You may also sow directly into the soil around the month of April to July.

Lemon Balm

A versatile plant called Lemon Balm is one of the best cannabis companion plants recommended by growers. Being a natural versatile and adaptable plant, it can withstand fluctuations in temperature and humidity. The smell of the Lemon Balm can persuade the pollinators into the cannabis plants and keep away the mosquitoes.

You can cultivate the Lemon Balms into spreading and taking over the entire growing area by potting them and controlling its growth. Apart from a great defense against unwanted infestations, it’s a great mixture for tea and beverages. Cultivate them within the month of March until May.


One of the great cannabis companion plants called Chamomile is not just great for tea. The amazing characteristics of the plant including its natural fungal preventive capacity help the development of cannabis plants. When grown, it can help dissuade the mosquitoes, flies, and whiteflies from infesting the garden.

During the budding period, you can use them as mulch because of the potassium and calcium it releases giving the plants a favorable development. Secure the borders of your cannabis garden with these cannabis companion plants and enjoy its benefits.

Final Words

Having additional plants among the list of cannabis companion plants mentioned above can greatly help in keeping unwanted pests and natural protection of the whole cannabis garden from other potential destruction through a holistic and organic approach. Utilizing the functions of these cannabis companion plants is easy and inexpensive while contributing great security and advantages for your cannabis.

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