September 20, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

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Connection between CBD Cream and Back Pain Management

Understanding the way the body works can be quite complex. This is a result of several things that go on in the human body. Clinical researchers even keep discovering new things about the human body.

For example, nothing was known about the endocannabinoid system until the late 1900s. Even at that, clinical researchers keep discovering new things about the roles and functions of this essential body system. If you are interested in finding what led to the discovery of this body system, you can visit:

However, it is almost impossible to discuss the discovery of the endocannabinoid system without making mention of an important and therapeutic cannabis compound – cannabidiol (CBD). This compound is a pharmaceutical mystery given its several therapeutic properties. One such therapeutic property, although still being researched, is pain relief.

This article discusses the connection between cannabidiol and back pain management. This is particularly through the use of this compound in its topical form – CBD cream. So, read on to stay informed.

The Effectiveness of CBD Creams for Back Pain


There is a long list of musculoskeletal conditions that people can be plagued with. However, people are more susceptible to some than others. Against this backdrop, you should know that back pain is conveniently one of the highest prevalent musculoskeletal conditions that affect people within and outside the shores of this country.

As a result, products that offer relief are a welcome development and premium-quality CBD creams have proven to be one such. Discussed below are some of the ways it is capable of providing the much-needed relief:

Anti-Inflammatory Features

Effective pain management requires understanding the cause of the condition. This puts you in a better position to administer the right treatment.

On that note, you should know that inflammation is one of the leading causes of this musculoskeletal condition. It is also worth mentioning how inflammation can be triggered by several things. For example, muscle strain is a possibility, just as arthritis is.

Fortunately, cannabidiol has been discovered to have huge anti-inflammatory features. This is one of the major ways that it is capable of relieving body discomfort, even in the form of back pain.

Localized Treatment

Besides the use of topical CBD creams, they are also available in other forms including the following:

  • Oral – Through tinctures, edibles, capsules, oil
  • Inhalation/Smoking – Through vape, flowers
  • Sublingual
  • Through Suppositories

For the record, there are several other ways that it can be used besides the forms mentioned above. You can click here for more information on this.

All of these forms have their highs and lows. Bearing this in mind, you should know that cannabidiol in the form of cream is very effective for relieving back pain. The direct route taken by the therapeutic compound when entering the body is a major reason for this.

For example, CBD oil has to go through several channels and mix with the blood vessels before offering anything therapeutic. Well, the topical application of CBD cream means that cannabinoid receptors get to work soon after they are applied.

Muscle Relaxation

Studies and testimonies are confirming that CBD offers muscle relaxation benefits. This in itself is important for alleviating and even preventing body discomfort. Furthermore, some of these studies, and very credible ones at that, reveal that CBD creams consisting of other cannabis cannabinoids are better at offering muscle relaxation benefits.

This is a result of the synergistic effects of the cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes, including CBD being the primary one. So, this is a good reason to purchase CBD creams that also contain other cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes from the cannabis plant.

Pain Relief

For the record, the effects of cannabidiol on the human body and its ability to offer therapeutic benefits are still being researched. However, research work and first-hand experiences have reached a point where we can say that cannabidiol products like CBD oils or CBD cream can offer pain relief and help with back pain management, provided that they use top-quality products.

Minimal Side Effects

When used for the treatment or management of body discomfort, CBD presents very little or no side effects. This is especially true when used with caution. For one, being cautious means that only the right dosage is used at a time.

Unfortunately, this is not how it works with several other alternatives, including highly effective options. The natural approach to offering the needed relief is one of the reasons for this.


There is still a lot to know about CBD as things currently are. The therapeutic properties of this compound, particularly when applied topically in the form of CBD cream, have shown promising results in alleviating discomfort. While ongoing research furthers our understanding, the current findings suggest that CBD stands as a viable and potentially beneficial option for those seeking relief from back pain. However, as with any health-related concerns, you need to consult with a healthcare professional for advice before using any product.

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