September 21, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

Coverage of medical marijuana and cannabis news, insights, lifestyle, laws, growing guides and more!

Hemp Making Noise on the Political Scene

Hemp is by far humanities greatest crop and still highly illegal in many places in the world. We often hear stories about Marijuana while Hemp is usually hidden in the dark. In the US hemp was bundled along marijuana and is a Felony offense despite the fact that Hemp does not get you high. Hemp is purely industrial in nature, it is one of the fundamental building blocks to society. In fact, if marijuana is the medicine for your body and mind, hemp is the medicine for a healthy earth. Our current consumerist behaviors ...

Hemp is by far humanities greatest crop and still highly illegal in many places in the world. We often hear stories about Marijuana while Hemp is usually hidden in the dark. In the US hemp was bundled along marijuana and is a Felony offense despite the fact that Hemp does not get you high.

Hemp is purely industrial in nature, it is one of the fundamental building blocks to society. In fact, if marijuana is the medicine for your body and mind, hemp is the medicine for a healthy earth. Our current consumerist behaviors are quickly depleting our natural resources, contaminating water and utterly destroying our planet. Hemp is the only plant that would be able to produce enough raw material to provide for every country in the world.

And while Hemp is so amazing, it is kept in the dark by the media. Kentucky is one state however that just said no!

They said no to the ban on hemp and last year made an initiative to begin to legalize industrial hemp in conservative Kentucky. Since the restrictions on tobacco and government efforts to curb tobacco consumption many farmers in Kentucky were facing some serious issues. They all were looking for a new crop to plant and Hemp seemed to be the best candidate.

People rallied behind the initiative and legalized Hemp in Kentucky and are currently setting up the regulatory market of which they wish to begin planting legal hemp by next year.

Holder’s “relaxed” approach to drug enforcement, especially related to cannabis would in theory overlook this movement and will respect Kentucky’s decision.

But on a greater scale a few Bills are floating around in the Senate relating Hemp, recreational marijuana and ultimately ending the War on Cannabis. These bills essentially call for the declassification of cannabis and a policy change from the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Department of Justice.

While it might still take a few years rest assured people, the movement is gaining speed. Every day more and more people jump on the band wagon and are rallying support to legalize not only marijuana, but hemp as well.

America and the world might soon be entering into that “Golden age of Cannabis”. That day is quick approaching.

(c) 420Petition Blog – Read entire story here.