September 20, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

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How to Get More Crystals on Your Bud

Cannabis buds possess an appearance that is strangely captivating and confusing. Whether if you’re a grower or a user, you probably have had an encounter with crystals that blanketed your buds. It turns out, these crystals are more than decorations and are the boiling point of how the weed will impact your senses.

Because of the importance of these shining features of a bud, many ask “how to get more crystals on your Bud?’, mainly growers who participate in the marijuana market. So, here are all related details to give you the idea of what these features are for, what they do, and how to get more crystals on your Bud.

Know the Crystals forming on your Bud

Fancying the Bud doesn’t equate to looking at the surface landscape of buds because everything visible to the naked eye is actually a part of what the Bud will taste like. For a clear description, you will often find a thick coat of shiny crystals forming on the borders of your Bud.

In appealing to the sense of touch, you will feel its sticky state, and when taking a sniff, you will find it full of desirable aroma. If you look closer, these crystalized borders are actually what we know as ‘trichomes.’

Crystals are Trichomes

Trichomes, by general definition, are referred to as the attachments found mostly on plants, some protists, algae, and lichens. Based on its etymology, trichomes came from the word ‘trichoma,’ which in Greek means “hair growth.” These shiny lumps that cover the Bud aren’t known for their fine extension to make the Bud look attractive. They are the very reason why cannabis is potent and aromatic.

Besides being responsible for making the presence of cannabinoids recognized, trichomes are features of many things. As a matter of fact, growers yearn to have a bunch of them shining simultaneously on the top of their weed buds.

The Purpose of having more Crystals or Trichomes

Crystals or Trichomes may have been a great addition to the overall appearance of weed buds. But they actually serve Purpose in the entirety of cannabis’ being. For the main importance, these crystalizing borders are where cannabinoids like THC, CBD, CBG form. Hence, they are the very reason why cannabis buds can provide out-of-this-world sensations to both the user’s body and mind.

Moreover, trichomes also function as marijuana bud’s defense mechanism, mostly female crops. Once female marijuana plants yield flowers outdoors, they become susceptible to frequent pest attacks, UV rays’ harmful effects, and other factors that could put their whole existence at risk.

Trichomes repel these destructive influences by producing unpleasant taste and a pungent stench of aroma that will ultimately deem the flower indigestible. They can also keep strong pressurized winds to take away the meek and developing flower by using thick crystals and can control a fungal infestation.

Ways on How to Get More Crystals on Your Bud

There is no doubt that most growers are beyond interested in increasing the presence of crystals on their Bud. Fortunately, some strategies can make this happen. These are ways on how to get more crystals on your Bud:

Provide a Proper Light

Cannabis plants hit their highest peak of need for intense light during its flowering period. When grown under weak lighting, the trichome will grow lesser than the usual. But then again, there are setups out there that are exposed to intense lightings. Because of that, here are some effective grow lights that can bring intensity and power to the buds.

1) UB-B or Metal Halide Grow Lights

Exposing the buds to these kinds of lights will increase the crystal or trichome production even for at least 2 to 3 weeks. However, it is highly suggested to put the plants under these lights before its harvesting state to avoid adversaries.

Also, take note that you cannot use these lights when your setup is situated in an enclosed glass location since it blocks the rays. If you can’t find a UV-B light, reptile lamps are recommended.

2) LED Grow Lights

Though it’s common knowledge that LED lights aren’t capable of producing much intensity as UV-B, the rare spectrum coming from LED can actually stress the plants. These techniques can encourage buds to yield more crystals as a defense mechanism.

Suitable Environment

Your cannabis will grow is obviously one dedication you cannot deprive them of since it leads to many unfortunate series. If you think your location needs some alteration, make sure you di it before the harvesting period, preferably before two to three weeks.

For the most part, you will have to bear in mind that the humidity level should never go below 30% and that it will remain as it is for two to three weeks. Then, the temperature should stay between 24 to 25 degrees Celsius or 70 to 80-degree Fahrenheit. To regulate the said factors, here are some helpful devices that will surely lend you a hand in that matter:

1) Dehumidifier

To control the humidity, all while regulating the temperatures.

2) Air-Conditioner

Can balance the humidity as it cools the air.

Use Stressing as a Technique

As mentioned, trichomes are a cannabis bud’s defense mechanism. Consequently, cannabis will then produce more layers of crystals to protect themselves. But, why not use this certain Purpose of trichomes as a technique in increasing them?

However, to trigger the crystals’ said duty, you will have to stress the plants in a controlled environment. Otherwise, the approach will fail, and you will drive the crop to its death.

Here are some intentional stress methods that might be helpful for you:

1) Super cropping

Bending and snapping cannabis plants without harming them.

2) Leaf-Cutting

Trimming and pruning leaves during its harvesting period.

3) 2 to 3 days of light deprivation before Harvesting Period

Take note that this approach is only appropriate for healthy plants.

These tips shall guide you towards your question on how to get more crystals on your Bud. Remember that cannabis plants are naturally abundant in producing trichomes, which will not leave you a hassle in this subject. But, if you feel the need to experiment with crossing strains, these ways have already been tested and confirmed by several growers.

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