September 20, 2024

Cannabis & Marijuana news

Coverage of medical marijuana and cannabis news, insights, lifestyle, laws, growing guides and more!

The Rise of Marijuana Billboards

The Marijuana Policy Project is pushing the boundaries with what is “accepted” in society by putting up some real cannabis billboards. Their recent endeavor once more caught media attention as they placed a 14-by-48 foot sign along the main boulevard to the Denver Sports Authority Field. The sign was directed to the NFL and their “anti-marijuana” policy begging the...

The Marijuana Policy Project is pushing the boundaries with what is “accepted” in society by putting up some real cannabis billboards. Their recent endeavor once more caught media attention as they placed a 14-by-48 foot sign along the main boulevard to the Denver Sports Authority Field. The sign was directed to the NFL and their “anti-marijuana” policy begging the question; “Why are they driving NFL players to a more harmful substance; alcohol”.

For a long time now the NFL and plenty of other sports organizations have been known to punish cannabis users with bands, stripping their titles and championships and more. While cannabis isn’t considered a drug that “enhances” the player’s performance but rather would “hinder” their performance it’s quite harsh to say “You’re technically more impaired than your counterparts, however you still won and we’ll have to punish you for that”.

Let’s look past sports for a second…

Ok, we could enter into the Cannabis and sports argument but that’s not what this is about. It’s about the fact that now two times we have heard mainstream media bring attention to cannabis advertisement.

Currently all cannabis advertisement is not “tax-deductible” making it expensive. In fact while the government claims they won’t oppose marijuana reform in states that want it, they are using the tax system, armored car services and so forth to hinder progress.

Despite their efforts to make it difficult for the cannabis industry to grow, organizations such as Norml, MPP and so forth are pushing the boundaries. Despite the fact that advertisement is costly they are using their Freedom of Speech to light up the skies with sensible pro-marijuana advertisement.

This is a good thing…

For the past who knows how long advertisement for Big Pharma, Alcohol companies, Fast Food companies and a plethora of other industries have been targeting our youth without challenge. Sex is blurted all over the place and a hardcore prohibitionist would hardly notice but the moment that cannabis information is publically visible we have the proverbial “bitch-fit” swing into full action.

The majority of America is ready for the debate on marijuana and with actions like the MPP we’ll see the debate come sooner than later. With more means of advertisement and as technology makes it cheaper for organizations to jump into the cannabis advertisement movement, we’ll begin to see more and more of these billboards pop up. As the public embraces the concept of cannabis it is only natural to become verbal about it.

And it’s about damn time that we became verbal about it on a massive scale. Too many people have been killed in the name of prohibition, too many have been thrown in prison and too many politicians have based their careers on this erroneous concept known as the War on Drugs.

(c) 420Petition Blog – Read entire story here.